Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back on Summer Range

We've made the move to the summer range again. Gathered the cows and calves on the east side of the Imnaha canyon, crossed the river and trailed two more days to the Zumwalt Prairie.
East side bench, looking north. Sara, Bird, Newt, Ruby, Punch.
A few weeks earlier, as we branded and got the herd ready to go, we had excellent help from the kids, old friends and a few newcomers.  Gabe and Jordan roped. Mike, Zeke, Mark, Jaci and Cammie were ground crew. 

Jordan roped off Chester

Rest of the crew for branding 
It was Zeke's 26th birthday. Dawson paid close attention to the trick candles as they magically 'relit' themselves on the cocoa fudge cake with ganache filling and peanut butter frosting.

On day three, we trailed up the Lower Imnaha road. Dawson rode with me a ways and we got a little goofy at times. We met up with Gabe, Cammie and Wes and had picnic lunch after we got the cows turned up Log Creek.
Weston carrot gnawer

Cammie, Wes, Dawson hiking down Log Creek

On Sunday we topped out and made it all the way to Alder Creek in one long day.  Prairie took a great picture of Mike and and Gabe above Log Creek on the last day. As she put it, "I got to spend Fathers Day with two great fathers." 
Good job, everyone. 

Punch, ready for the last day trailing to summer range

Meeting McClaran's horses on the Zumwalt Prairie

From Sara at Magpie Ranch, home of Bunchgrass Beef